Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Yeah, so I'm going to S. Korea this summer.  It sort of came out of no where.  My theology professor, Dr. Chung, asked me if I would want to spend my summer in Korea and I immediately said "Yes!"  I'll be leaving June 6 and will get back August 20.  I'll be there preaching at an English worship service at a church there and will also be teaching Bible classes.  If I'm honest with you and me, I'll say that I feel pretty inadequate for the task.  I've never formally preached before and I've never formally taught Bible classes.  However, I most definitely see God's hand in this and I will stumble through the door.  I'm not walking through the door...lets be honest.  I feel like God opened it, I stood there and stared at Him opening it, I took one baby step towards it, then He shoved me through it.  Something like that.

Anyways, I'm going to be needing lots of prayer while I'm over there.  Please be praying for me.
  • That I would study diligently and be a good steward of the position I've been given.
  • That God would help me to preach and teach with a deep passion and conviction.
  • That God would open the hearts of those I teach and preach.
  • That God would enable me to teach and preach effectively.  
I'm so excited to get over there and start this thing!